Oh, what to do?!!! I have just told a reporter I don't want to do an article in Now magazine. Was that daft of me? Have I looked a gift horse in the mouth. I have to wonder, is all publicity good publicity?
I published my first novel, The Device, The Devil & Me in August with a small independent press - The Linen Press. I'm very happy - the book is perfect, however, the press has no budget for publicity and so it falls to me to do all that I can to promote my book. This would be no problem at all but for the fact that my book covers sensitive issues about mental health and eating disorders, and of course, me being the author, may have experienced some of these things. So it may become clearer to you my dear reader that the angle any publicity seems to take is that of my background first and the book comes in at last place.
Even though the reporter was extremely sensitive to my situation, she had to agree that magazines would only take my story if I bared my soul and secrets.
So last week I bit the bullet and said 'yes!' I have an important message to give! Of course I must seize this opportunity! This would have been fine and exciting except that I started to feel uneasy. I couldn't sleep. I felt sick and kept visualising my two little boys sitting in the doctor's waiting room in two years time, picking up a tatty issue of Now with their mother showing pictures of her life warts and all. I couldn't face it.
Of course I want to publicise the issues my book raises, but I need it to be in a responsible way that is sensitive to the reader as well as myself. I can't have publicity for the sake of it.
I'm not ashamed of my life but I'm just not ready to share it with the world just yet.
So, please read my book! If you like it and are interested, I would be happy to answer any questions. I might not make the best sellers but hey, never mind. At least I can sleep. x x