Well, it's been a while, but I'm back for the chat. I've been beavering away on many new projects and have just sent my silent graphic novel off to the yes and no guys. Let's hope they're yes guys this time!
Anyhoo, I wanted to share a couple of my favourite pictures with you from this new story about a little rabbit who just wants to build a boat with his too busy dad.
Silent graphic novels are those with no text at all just relying on the pictures to carry the story - think Raymond Brigg's The Snowman or The Arrival by Shaun Tan.
I loved writing this little book - it was inspired by seeing little bunnies playing on the sand near a river in Suffolk where we go every summer - and also the fear of getting what we want and some little worries my youngest son had about growing up and facing his own mortality.
I always do the line drawings with Indian ink and one of my home made feather quills - the favourite of the moment is that of a Screech Owl we found in the woods in the summer holidays - it's the perfect width, weight and scratchiness.
I hope that one day I'll be able to point you towards a place where you can read the whole thing - but in the meantime, here's some piccies...
Thanks for taking a look,
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