Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Banking Bins

Hello friends! It's another rant I'm afraid!
While doing my daily ablutions and sorting the mail into 'bin' or 'oh, goody, a proper letter from a real person' piles, I came across the seemingly weekly letter from my bank. I don't need to say which pile that went into but before it did, I made sure of pulling out the little plasticky window from the envelope (for recycling purposes).
And so I went about my business. It wasn't until my husband came home a few days later with a horrible rumour about what might have been inside the bank letter that I thought I should maybe check it.
Friends, we have a 'holding' bin. That is where all the waste from the office space waits until the night before the recycling. So I reached in and shook off the cornflakes from a slightly dampened official letter. And read.
My bank has very kindly done the following to make my life easier.
Instead of those pesky monthly calculations of paying me interest on any money in my account or charging me interest on my overdraft, they have decided to ditch all that in favour of a more simple solution.
They will charge £1 a day for each day I am in overdraft up to £1200, £2 a day from £1200-£2500 and so on. And if I slip up and go over my overdraft, I will be charged £5 per day. Ooops, did I say 'charge'? I meant these are the new 'fees'.
So there you have it. I thought I'd better put this out there just in case any of my readers are of the 'holding bin' persuasion.
Happy banking!
I'm away to eat some cakes. x x x

1 comment:

  1. Hi Steph

    Just found your blog on Nicola Morgan's blog. She had done a good job for Linen Press and your book. Hope the sales are going well.

    Ray Harris


Thanks for taking the time to comment - you've made my day x x