So, I'm lucky enough to be going on the ScreenLab course held by the Scottish Booktrust at the end of February. I have just finished reading the introductory podcasts by the course tutor Adrian Mead and one of them suggests that to make it as a writer you must write!!! So, one of the tips is to just take five minutes everyday to write uncensored.
Well, my friends, this is the result of my ramblings - a blog to you! I am going to be dedicated and write one every day for a week (This is called the setting of a short-term goal). Now, I have thrown down my gauntlet to myself as all you parents will know, it is half term and the bairns are-a-squawkin'!
Everyone around me seems to be getting puppies and my children want one too... I saw a lovely old boy in the Cat and Dog home called Louie. He was described as being very happy and excited on walks but loved most of all to be couried up in his bed. Sounds perfect!
I also keep seeing the same advert for Chihauha puppies I told y'all about on previous blog. Maybe I'll just carry my guinea-pigs around in my handbag for now.
I'm going to leave you now. Have a lovely day and I'll see you tomorrow x x
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